Fund Performance

Past performance cannot be indicative of future performance.

Name of the Fund Identification Code SRRI Innitial Date Currency NAV Price/Unit 5Y(%) 3Y(%) 2Y(%) 1Y(%) Valuation Date
Albsig Voluntary Pension Fund FP 4 1 04/02/2020 ALL 672,778,953.07 1,145.8206 - 3.44% 3.91% 4.20% 20.10.2024
Smart Pension Voluntary Pension Fund FP 5 1 12/01/2023 ALL 51,220,488.62 1,091.4356 - - - 5.53% 20.10.2024
Albsig Standard Investment Fund FI-B5 2 14/02/2020 ALL 254,985,044.39 1,121.9994 - 2.47% 6.81% 6.89% 20.10.2024
Name of the Fund Albsig Voluntary Pension Fund Albsig Standard Investment Fund
Identification Code FP 4 FI-B5 FP 5
Innitial Date 04/02/2020 14/02/2020 12/01/2023
Currency ALL ALL ALL
NAV 672,778,953.07 254,985,044.39 51,220,488.62
Price/Unit 1,145.8206 1,121.9994 1,091.4356
5Y(%) - - -
3Y(%) 3.44% 2.47% -
2Y(%) 3.91% 6.81% -
1Y(%) 4.20% 6.89% 5.53%
Modified Duration
Valuation Date 20.10.2024 20.10.2024 20.10.2024

*SRRI is a synthetic risk and return indicator which is used to capture the volatility of the rate of return of the fund. It ranges between 1 and 7(1 stands for lowest risk and 7 the highest risk). The Albsig Standard mutual fund has a synthetic risk and return indicator equal to 2, which is a low risk fund, but it doesn’t mean that the investment is without risk. Category 2, constitutes a synthetic risk calculated based on the volatility of the rate of the return of the fund. Because this calculation uses historical data, this synthetic indicator may change in the future, but this change is expected to be rare.

** 1 (Y) shows the rate of annual return of the last 12 months, 2 (Y) shows the rate of annual return for the last 2 years, 3 (Y) shows the rate of annual return for the last 3 years and 5 (Y) shows the rate of annual return for the last 5 years. Rate of  returns are updated every month. The Administration fee is deducted before to the calculation of the return on investment.

Albsig Pension

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Albsig Standard

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Smart Pension

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