Legal Framework For Investment Funds Law no. 10 198, date 10.12.2009 “On collective investment undertakings” Law no. 36, date 31.03.2016 “On some additions and amendments to Law no. 10198 dated 10.12.2009 “On collective investment undertakings” Regulation no. 45, date 30.06.2015 “On liquidity management for investment fund” Regulation no. 69, dated 26.05.2011 “On the authorization of individuals to sale units/shares of collective investment undertakings with public offering” Regulation no. 77, date 29.06.2011 “On the stipulation of the asset value of collective investment undertakings and calculation of their net asset value per quota or per share” Regulation nr. 110, datë 19.07.2016 “Regulation on risk management of the management company of collective investment undertakings” Regulation no. 154, date 29.09.2016 “On suspension of issue and redemption of units in the investment funds” LINKS Albsig Sh.a Albsig Life Sh.a Bank Of Albania Financial Supervisory Authority ABOUT US History Company Profile Governing Bodies Organizational Structure Code Of Ethics Information Job Vacancy CONTACT Rruga Barrikadave, Pallati Albsig, Kati 8, Tirana 1001 Phone: +355 42254764 Email: [email protected] NUIS: L92208025J SOCIAL MEDIA FollowFollowFollow